Aura Rose

In order to satisfy my own personal curiosity, I have been involved in researching documented UFO phenomena. There was such a thirst for knowledge that I’d attended local UFO Group meetings.
Movies featuring Extra-Terrestrial phenomena were the most intriguing, as I was captivated by the visuals. Admittedly, some of them scared me, mainly because they employed sensationalistic presentations like loud, anxiety-provoking music & horror-movie-style visuals.
The “Jaws”- style ominous music accompanying those stories really cheapened the possible real-life experience of people being documented and made me feel like I was watching a horror movie or sensationalistic story rather than a believable documentary.
I find the movie “Travis: the true story of Travis Walton” to be an engaging, intriguing & well documented story.
Viewed with a small group of reality-based documentary enthusiasts who were not necessarily into UFO phenomena, my fellow viewers were very impressed with the professional handling of the film. One of the viewers was a very skeptical journalist.
The Consensus: Not too long or too short, too boring or too sensational, the attention payed to the subject, the story and the special effects was just right.
Highly Recommended, a Must Watch, Extremely Engaging!
Cay Randall-May
My husband and I have watched TRAVIS and it is far superior to Fire in the Sky. The characters were faithfully portrayed without exaggeration. This draws the viewer into the action in a way that is much more realistic and effective than the overly exaggerated Hollywood version. Congratulations on such a professionally informative film. I know it will meet with highest praise.
Phyllis Kimmel Libby
I wanted to tell you that your film “Travis” is powerful and beautifully handled in its simplicity, honesty and pain. You allowed their story to be authentic and raw the way it was lived. A woman’s touch and belief, her intuition and her unnerving sense to remain dedicated to finding out why something happens and how the answers unfold over time is actually the core of the female side of Travis’s personality.
He was the one man who went toward the ship and did so filled with curiosity and trust. Some part of him knew where he was going and why. That is the really unsettling aspect of his story–for him,and you captured it.
For Travis to say at the end of your presentation that he had to be grateful for whatever was done to revive him and return him to his world–that the beings he encountered treated him kindly when they knew his energy could not sustain the power and force of theirs–was a sublime moment. I wanted to cry at his sweetness and drive to say in public to a world that needs to hear what peace from a heart that risked all in a situation no one else on the planet has had sounds like and looks like. Bravo! Jennifer. There are no politics in Travis’s experience even if the CIA and FBI would try to make it seem so. All
that is foreign to the politicians appears as a threat and yet Travis felt called to deal with it at the highest humanity he could muster in his soul.
You got it and gave it to the viewer–it is not the bizarreness of the experience that is so shocking–it is what Travis felt and understood and says that is more shocking for its simplicity and love.
Bless you for your efforts.
Paul Hellyer, former Defense Minister of Canada

Travis, the true story of Travis Walton, is by far the most fascinating and engaging UFO documentary that I have seen. We meet the hero, Travis Walton, personally, and share with him the broad band of emotions including total fright, dismay, anger, betrayal and finally resignation as the story unfolds.
The participation of so many real life witnesses gives the drama a sense of immediacy and reality that is extremely rare as they debate the authenticity of the story and take sides as skeptics or believers. We are also taken behind the scenes to observe the attempt of a well-known debunker to bribe a witness to say that the whole story was a hoax.
To his credit the witness resisted the temptation to lie for personal gain and hold firm to the truth. The film is a beautifully crafted “must see” portrayal of a wide range of truths relating to UFOs and how they can affect, and in some cases totally disrupt, the lives of innocent Earthlings.
Scott H Colborn-Exploring Unexplained Phenomena Radio

I just finished watching “Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton,” an excellent documentary film by Jennifer W. Stein. I’m going to watch the movie a second time tonight. I’ve had the greatest respect for Travis Walton over the years for his unflinching willingness to tell his story. You will as well when you see this documentary film. Filmmaker Jennifer Stein did a really excellent job.
Host Scott Colborn
Exploring Unexplained Phenomena Radio
One of the world’s longest-running paranormal talk radio programs. Celebrating 31+ years of broadcast.
Every Saturday morning, 10 am – 12 noon Central Time. .
Cheryl Jones

What an awesome movie by awesome film producer Jen Stein! Once you see “Travis”…you will never be the same! It’s such an important film for historical reasons with dramatic twists and turns so well documented.
Jen touches the real life emotional impact the UFO event continues to have on Travis Walton, crew, law enforcement officials and all involved, even to this day more than 40 years later! A must watch for all!
Dr Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14

I viewed “The True Story of Travis Walton” with great interest. Jennifer Stein did a commendable job of documenting this remarkable account. It is yet another reminder of the urgent importance of bringing about full disclosure by all governments of their complete files and physical evidence concerning UFOs and extraterrestrials.
Connie Willis, Guest host on Coast to Coast AM, National Radio/TV Host, Broadcast Journalist, Huffington Post Blogger

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Filmmaker Jen Stein historically, physically and emotionally took me there! This well executed documentary on Travis Walton’s outrageous story of alien abduction made me want to embrace all the men involved especially Travis to tell them they were safe, it would be ok and that they were modern day heroes. I learned, I felt and I believe!
Peter Robbins

This feature length documentary film is about the life of Travis Walton and about his 1975 abduction experience, as well as the lives of others touched by this event, as well as its greater implications to our understanding of the UFO phenomenon overall. As an Associate Producer of this film I’m biased of course, but I can tell you for a fact that “Travis” is not just a world-class UFO documentary. It’s a world-class documentary, period.
The story as told takes viewers into the very heart of Travis Walton’s November 5 1975 UFO experience – in his own words, and at the actual locations where all of the events occurred. “Travis” also sheds much personal insight into its protagonist’s experiences as well as those of many of the key individuals whose lives were not only touched by, but transformed forever that night and in the days to come. They include members of the original logging crew who were with Walton when the event occurred, Sheriff Gillespie, chief law enforcement officer overseeing and dealing with the disappearance of the young logger at the time, and who was so superbly brought to life in the film “Fire In the Sky” by the late, great James Garner.
The professional Polygrapher who administered the tests to all of the witnesses (and to Travis) was also kind enough to grant us an on-camera interview, along with others who played a part in the search, investigation and daily events of this, one of the world’s best known and best documented UFO incidents.
Woven throughout this film are visits to all of the relevant locations along with insightful clips from the interviews I conducted with some of the best known and most respected members of the UFO research community. In its totality “Travis” not only focuses in on the individuals and events who comprise this story, but also spans almost forty years in doing so, and not surprisingly, parts of the film are moving in the extreme. A variety of scientific evidence is also presented along with informed opinions on the character and state of mind of the documentary’s central figure.
I can only add in closing that I undertook my first viewing of the almost-final cut of “Travis” with as much objectivity as I could muster being that I wanted to give our Executive Producer the most honest, detailed and objective evaluation I was capable of. Even so, from the first moments of the film right through to the end I found myself repeatedly transfixed with how well all of our hard work had come together – not just as a professional, but as someone who happens to love quality documentaries.
“Travis” is sharp, objective, moving, fascinating and possesses first rate production values throughout. When completed it will certainly be a DVD (or DVD set, to be decided shortly) that anyone of us would be happy to have in our viewing library and proud to share with friends, family members, colleagues or whomever.
Robert F Carder
This is a great DVD. It is well done with good interviews. I have wanted a documentary on Travis Walton for years now and this was worth the wait. It shows his credibility within the field and to all of the investigators including Stanton Friedman and even Cy Gilson.
This DVD made me realize that his story has really held up after 40 years and the interviews with the crew members were awesome to see. It is horrible that Travis and the crew were treated so badly in their hometown but Travis and everyone else showed bravery and integrity by holding their ground for all these years.This is one of best UFO related DVDs that I have seen. My friends and family feel the same way. Great job!
Paola Harris

Jennifer Stein’s documentary TRAVIS is perhaps one of the very best documentaries I have ever seen. Travis’ Nov.5th, 1975 abduction experience is a historical, psychological and geopolitical event that is beautifully and accurately stored on film for future generations. This film’s accurate witness testimony on location will leave you riveted in another reality that caused trauma to an entire town. You will believe!
Gary Hilton

I have to say congratulations, I absolutely love the segment. The droning of the music heightens the suspense for me. The look of terror on Travis’s face is believable. It draws me in. Very well done.
Ben Hurle

Kathleen Marden, Author, UFO and Abduction Researcher, Lecturer
Richard K.O'Connor, M.D. Founder, Crop Circles Research Foundation, Inc., sponsor of The Jesse A. Marcel Library, Helena, MT.

For those who are awake, the UFO phenomenon keeps us in a state of cognitive dissonance. Are UFOs real? What is the truth about this? If UFOs are real and if some UFOs are Extraterrestrial in origin, then what are the implications of this? Has our government really lied to our citizens about this subject for almost 7 decades and, if so, why? Where can I find reliable information about this?
Let me steer you toward one source of UFO-related information that I am convinced does offer a credible account of a remarkable UFO encounter experienced by 7 men in Arizona – Jennifer Stein’s documentary titled Travis. Watch it, let it sink in, and then watch it again. When you do this I feel certain that you will come to the conclusion that what you have heard is the truth, spoken from the mouths of the people who were directly involved in this historical UFO event. Are the accounts of Travis Walton, Mike Rogers, Steve Pierce and the other 4 men involved in this UFO event anecdotal? Of course they are. Do these men seem believable? As we watch and we listen to Travis, we realize that the answer to this last question is a resounding “Yes – very.” Within us, we can all feel a resonance when truth is spoken, and we feel this while we watch and we listen to Stein’s film Travis.
Those who habitually and summarily discount anecdotal UFO evidence should acknowledge that the UFO phenomenon remains poorly understood precisely because it is a phenomenon that is unique to the human experience – it is extraordinary. Beings have apparently arrived here and we can know, for certain, that those encountered by Travis Walton are, by definition, highly intelligent, highly evolved, and likely hail from a very ancient civilization. We are dealing with Beings who are somehow capable of manifesting in our reality, and in extremely unusual ways that we cannot yet understand. We must forgive that Travis Walton could not present us with a photograph of that UFO, or with an Extraterrestrial pencil, pen, or vase. What we must also do is open our minds and listen, carefully, to Travis Walton and to the many others who have tried their best to inform us that “others” are somehow manifesting in our reality – that we are not alone! It is time for us to wake up, and Jennifer Stein’s film Travis helps us to do just that. I recommend Stein’s film Travis, and I give it 5 stars! By the way, there is some scientific evidence presented in Travis that does corroborate Travis Walton’s (and friends) claims. Check out the film to find out!
Paul Eno from Behind the Paranormal

I have rarely seen as complete a treatment of any case as Jennifer Stein gives us in “Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton.” Walton’s landmark abduction experience, the statements of his workmates, the investigation, the investigators, the media circus: All are thoroughly treated through fascinating interviews with virtually every key player, including Walton himself. This film is such a treat that I watched it twice in one day!
Rev. Dr. Raymond Boeche

Ms. Stein, i just finished watching your documentary of Travis Walton’s experience, and wanted to express my appreciation for an excellent documentary and an accurate recounting of a singular case.
Over the years I’ve been involved with APRO, MUFON, and was honored to work alongside my friend Allen Hynek, on a number of projects. “Travis” is one of — if not the — the best efforts I’ve seen at delving objectively into the very subjective experiences of UFO witnesses.
Kudos on your work, and I hope to see more projects of this nature come from your hands.
Scott Deschaine

What a great achievement! I was so impressed with the quality of the production and the outstanding job that you did telling the story of Travis Walton. My entire family actually watched it with me. Sometimes they have a lesser interest in UFO related material then I do, but this production held their interest and they were all very touched by the depth of feeling in the movie.
I am somewhat familiar with the background story, and I was impressed to see what a thoughtful, intelligent, and well spoken man Travis is. What an outstanding job you did of letting him talk, and of getting key personalities together to help reveal his history and the extraordinary events that happened to him. I was so impressed by the fact that there was no agenda on display, but instead a reasoned and accurate reflection on the events that changed Travis’ life and the lives of those around him. We got chills watching them go back to the site.
Scott Deschaine
Glow Film 215-230-7540
Fax 215-230-7848
email: [email protected]
Phyllis Kimmel Libby
Your film “Travis” is powerful and beautifully handled in its simplicity, honesty and pain. I live in a small town in Oklahoma, the first territorial capital and scene of the historic land-run of 1889. I live in two of those 120 plus years old little houses my late husband and I joined together. I have an abstract of the history of the families who built and lived in my home. Small towns out here in the southwest are filled with rugged characters like the loggers in New Mexico. People are straightforward and pull no punches.
You allowed their story to be authentic and raw the way it was lived. A woman’s touch and belief, her intuition and her unnerving sense to remain dedicated to finding out why something happens and how the answers unfold over time is actually the core of the female side of Travis’s personality.
He was the one man who went toward the ship and did so filled with curiosity and trust. Some part of him knew where he was going and why. That is the really unsettling aspect of his story–for him,and you captured it.
For Travis to say at the end of your presentation that he had to be grateful for whatever was done to revive him and return him to his world–that the beings he encountered treated him kindly when they knew his energy could not sustain the power and force of theirs–was a sublime moment. I wanted to cry at his sweetness and drive to say in public to a world that needs to hear what peace from a heart that risked all in a situation no one else on the planet has had sounds like and looks like. Bravo! Jennifer. There are no politics in Travis’s experience even if the CIA and FBI would try to make it seem so. All that is foreign to the politicians appears as a threat and yet Travis felt called to deal with it at the highest humanity he could muster in his soul.
You got it and gave it to the viewer–it is not the bizarreness of the experience that is so shocking–it is what Travis felt and understood and says that is more shocking for its simplicity and love.
Bless you for your efforts. And thanks again!
Phyllis Kimmel Libby