“I’m a big picture person…and in the 21st century we will probably be part of a community of planets that has intelligent life aboard.”
Edgar Mitchell, astronaut-Apollo 14 at X-Conference 2009
From Jennifer W. Stein:
Our mission is to challenge popular understanding of our world— to advance our knowledge and understanding of the universe, to not deny, but to accept this truth. Dr. Mitchell sought my help in producing a film on sustainability, released February 6, 2016. View it here.
“Earning recognition from the UFO film community realized my first goal. TRAVIS combines an entertaining story line with a 100% truthful account of a now world-famous UFO incident. The film won both the 2015 People’s Choice and Best Long Documentary Film Award at the International UFO Congress.
Now, to have film buffs applaud around the globe –voting Travis as Best Long Documentary, fulfills my dream shared by my mentor, humanitarian Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
He reviewed Travis:
“I viewed ‘The True Story of Travis Walton’ with great interest. Jennifer Stein did a commendable job of documenting this remarkable account. It is yet another reminder of the urgent importance of bringing about full disclosure by all governments of their complete files and physical evidence concerning UFOs and extraterrestrials.”
EBE Award – The People’s Choice
EBE Award – Best UFO Film of the Year
CHAIN NYC Film Festival – Official Selection
CHAIN NYC Film Festival – Best Personal Story
Burbank International Film Festival – Official Selection
Irvine International Film Festival – Official Selection
IndieFEST Global Film Awards – Award of Recognition
Philip K. Dick Film Festival – Official Selection
Philip K. Dick Film Festival – Best Documentary
Sonoma International Film Festival – Official Selection
To win one award is an achievement, but “TRAVIS: The True Story of Travis Walton” has earned ten awards to date, at main stream film festivals in the United States.
We are thrilled that viewers are taking this film seriously as it should be.
This story, and others like them, are not convenient. Events like this challenge our understanding of the greater world around us. Many would prefer these types of other worldly events would just disappear. Yet, continuing to ignore the evidence that other intelligent life is visiting our earth and engaging the human race from time to time, is not a viable option either if we are ever to advance in our knowledge and understanding of the greater universe. We must eventually accept the facts, inconvenient as they may be.
EBE Awards - The People's Choice and Best UFO film of the year.

TRAVIS: The True Story of Travis Walton won both the 2015 People’s Choice award and Best UFO film of the year at the International UFO Congress film festival, the largest UFO conference in the world. In 1999, The IUFOC launched the prestigious UFO film festival, attracting fierce competition and knowledgeable judges of this genre.
Jen Stein and associate producer Ron James accepted the “EBE”s and introduced Ivolve TV, new alternative streaming media. See host Ron James’ interview with Jen Stein on “Bigger Questions” here. The producer-director duo has won four IUFOC awards, two for Disclosure Dialogues in 2012.
CHAIN NYC FILM FESTIVAL - Official Selection and Best Personal Story

Its mission is to encourage the development of quality independent cinema in our burgeoning digital age. Especially focused on personal stories, original ideas and new work, the festival serves as a showcase for the NYC film community.

Held in historic downtown Burbank,CA, (where Hollywood filmmaking began), its mission is to promote up-and-coming artists by helping them become the celebrated filmmakers of tomorrow. The festival is committed to showcasing, enhancing and providing a unique filmmaker and film festival experience few can offer. Today Burbank is the preeminent media and entertainment capitol of the world.

Celebrating the power of individual expression and diverse points of views, it offers not only a competition but an opportunity for filmmakers to learn and network. Major distributors and Academy Award-winning judges are part of the decision-making process. Last year 11 of the official selections made it on the Oscars short list and nine were nominated for an Oscar.
IndieFEST GLOBAL FILM AWARDS - Winner "Award of Recognition"

Decided by a panel of judges, TRAVIS won an IndieFEST Global Film Award!
Jennifer W Stein (USA), Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton
Award of Recognition: Documentary Feature
“Winning an IndieFEST is something you and your entire team can be proud of! Our judges base their decisions on the quality, creativity and technical aspects of each piece. The award appropriately reflects the endless hours you and your team have spent to create your outstanding production! Congratulations on your achievement!”
THE PHILIP K DICK FILM FESTIVAL - Official Selection and Best Documentary

Jennifer W. Stein was surprised to win the best documentary film award from The Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival. After all, this is New York City’s only one of its kind.
“The audience responded to this film in a very serious manner,” she remarks. “How powerful is film to reach people of all backgrounds and interests! The audience was intent on legitimizing this story,” said Stein. Lee Speigel of the Huffington Post, author Peter Robbins, and producer Jennifer Stein appeared for a Q & A afterwards. The panel was narrated by Allen Steinfeld, host of New Realities TV show in NYC.

Congratulations on the acceptance of TRAVIS…we look forward to welcoming you to Sonoma..you already have fans here…Jim Ledwith sings your praises and is so excited to have you bring your film to the UFO Symposium and be a vital member of the panel discussion…this is the 5th year of the symposium and each year it grows in popularity…the panelists Jim organizes each year are diverse and extremely credible in their respective fields…you will certainly be an addition to this illustrious group…TRAVIS will be the featured film of the UFO Symposium on Saturday morning April 2nd @ Andrews Hall.