"Rita's Journey" is a 30-minute documentary about the journey Rita Levin took to Israel in 1989. Rita was a Philadelphia attorney with the public defenders association. She was tragically caught in a terrorist bus attack on a public bus traveling from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to take the second part of real-estate law exams in hopes she could explore the possibility of working professionally in Israel. She has been studying at an Ulpan school for language in Tel Aviv for 6 months and was about to return home when the attack occurred. Rita survived the attack being thrown from the rear of the bus as it tumbled down an embankment and burst into flames. Being an American and a lawyer the nightly news sought her out for comments and questions from her bedside regarding the Arab-Israel conflict.
In spite of her condition she spoke eloquently and articulately suggesting a long-range solution would not be found through retaliation, but with a more complex understanding of the situation. Rita died unexpectedly of a pulmonary embolism 12 days later. This documentary film was used to raise money in her memory and open a legal aid bureau in her honor in Carmiel Israel to support women in need of legal aid.